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MOm / The Hellenic Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk seal is a Greek non–governmental environmental organization with the legal status of a Non–profit association. MOm is active in the protection and promotion of the coastal and marine environment of Greece, through the protection of the Mediterranean monk seal, which is the only seal species in the Mediterranean Sea and the most endangered seal on earth.

The financial resources of MOm originate from the memberships of our
supporters, donations from private entities, selected partnerships with
national, European and international bodies, and from nationally and
European-funded programs. MOm is subject to regular financial auditing
by Certified Public Accountants – Auditors.


MOm’s scientific research, conservation and education activities are
carried out by a dedicated and highly-specialized team of professionals
(i.e. biologists, field technicians, media officers) with the help of
numerous volunteers. MOm’s activities include:

• Scientific Research 
• Rescue and Rehabilitation 
• Protection and Management 
• Public Awareness and Sensitization 
• Environmental Education

According to the regulations of the International Convention on the Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) MOm is an accredited research institute (Prot. No.: 89670/1427/12‐3‐2007 / Code Nr.: GR 003). All research and rehabilitation and reintroduction efforts of the Organization are carried out with the necessary permits from the national and international competent authorities.

Since 1996, MOm has been a member of IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature), the largest organization in the world for the protection of the natural environment and has participated with a representative in the Seal Specialist Group.


As foreseen by the Statutes of MOm, the highest governing body of MOm is the General Assembly, which convenes once a year and consists of the regular, voting members of MOm. The Board of Directors of MOm has five members that are elected every two years by the General Assembly of MOm and convenes once a month.

The members of the Board of Directors
and the Auditing Committee from March
2024 to March 2026 are:

Board of Directors
President: Panagiotis Dendrinos
Vice President: Nikolaos Lampadariou
Secretary: Evaggelia Diapouli
Treasurer: Stella Adamantopoulou
Member: Eleni Tounta

Auditing Committee
Kostas Vassilakis, Nikitas Vogiatzis, Loukia Kalogeropoulou


General principles and stance

MOm’s function is strictly based on open and democratic procedures, defined in detail in the organization's mandate, MOm's legal statute. These resulting internal procedures ensure the effective operation and the sound economic and financial management of the organization. The foremost formal instruments providing for the administration and the internal control of the organization are the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee, which are both elected every two years by the General Assembly of the Society, through an open and transparent to all Members process. Additionally to the latter, MOm is actively supporting and promoting wider initiatives on the transparency and open operation of NGOs. MOm has been committed and signed the Non-Governmental Organisations Accountability Charter, an initiative undertaken by the Citizens’ Movement for an Open Society. For over 30 years the organization has been involved in the realisation of an environmentally sustainable future through the help of the civil society the co-operation with local stakeholders and the joint initiatives with public institutions, always based on open dialogue processes. MOm is fully independent from other bodies or institutions (especially governmental, political, business, etc.). In order to achieve its objectives, MOm utilises public as well as institutional funding and resources. MOm chooses funds that are obtainable only through transparent and open procedures, with the sole goal of financing specific actions related to scientific research, conservation, treatment and rehabilitation of Mediterranean monk seals.

In order to achieve its goals and objectives MOm pursues the following priorities:

  • implementing effective protection and sustainable conservation measures fir the of coastal and marine natural environment taking into account the sustainability and welfare of the local communities;

  • promoting the protection of fish - stocks, of sustainable fisheries, of abandoning destructive fishing practices, and pausing /marginalising illegal and clandestine fishing;

  • halting the rates of biodiversity loss and wild life species extinction;

  • pursuing an ecologically sustainable economy, through the conservation of energy, water and natural resources, thus improving of people's livelihoods;

  • active encouraging environmental awareness to activate and sensitise citizens;

  • advancing volunteerism as a significant contribution to society and the natural environment;
    promoting environmental education for children and the younger generation on the natural

  • environment, its value as a common good and the need to protect it from degradation and destruction;

  • campaigning for limiting climate change and its impacts;

  • protecting the natural environmental wealth of Greece as one of the nation's most important capitals, for the present and future generations.

Financial Data

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